XV. gimnazija, Jordanovac 8. Zagreb

Natječaj za upis u 3. razred IB Diploma Programa (IBDP1)

IB Diploma Program XV. gimnazije raspisuje natječaj za upis sedam (7) kandidata u 3. razred (tj. prvu godinu Diploma Programa – DP1).

Provjera posebnih znanja kandidata za upis u treći razred IB Diploma Programa (IBDP 1) školske godine 2024./2025. provodit će se u prostoru XV. gimnazije u sljedećim terminima:

  • 24. lipnja, 9:30 i 10:30 – IBDP – Matematika i Esej iz književnosti
  • 25. lipnja, 8:30 i 11:00 – IBDP – Engleski jezik i Intervju prema posebnom rasporedu

Prijave slati na adresu elektroničke pošte [email protected] do 14. lipnja 2024. godine u 12 sati zajedno sa sljedećom dokumentacijom:

1) pismena Zamolba Nastavničkom vijeću XV. gimnazije za pristupanje provjeri posebnih znanja za upis u Diploma program u kojem će roditelji navesti razloge zbog kojih žele da njihovo dijete/kandidat pristupi provjeri posebnih znanja i što je/ga posebno zanima u IB Diploma programu,

2) kopije svjedodžbi prvih dvaju razreda srednje škole (ako svjedodžba drugog razreda još nije izdana, privremeno poslati ispis ocjena iz e-dnevnika),

2) kopija domovnice ili rodnog lista,

3) popunjena prijavnica (Application Form) koju možete preuzeti ovdje:

IB Diploma Program XV. gimnazije announces vacancies for enrolling seven (7) candidates into the 3rd year of the IB Program (i.e. first year of the Diploma Program – DP1).

Entrance exam for candidates to enroll 3rd year of IB Program (IBDP 1) in school year 2024/2025 will be held in XV. gimnazija, Jordanovac 8, Zagreb, in the following times:

  • 24 June, 9:30 and 10:30 – IBDP – Math and Literature Essay
  • 25 June, 8:30 and 11:00 – IBDP – English and Interviews (under a special schedule)

Applications can be sent to e-mail address [email protected] until 14 June 2024 at 12:00 together with the following documentation:

1) written Request to the Teaching Staff of XV. gimnazija to sit for DP entrance exam in which parents will mention reasons why their child/candidate wants to sit fir the entrance exam and what is so particularly interesting about this Program to the candidate,

2) copies of the end-of-year reports for first two grades of high school (if the end-of-grade two report has not been issued yet, please send us screenshot of their notes and grades from teachers in the platform the school is using to record these (ManageBac for example or e-dnevnik);

3) copy of the passport (the page with the photo and personal data) or birth certficate or domovnica (for Croatian citizens only), 

3) filled in Application Form which you can find here:

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XV. gimnazija