The School Library – A Wide Selection of Books

Libraries are essential in schools, as books are key components of education. As an integral part of our education, XV. gimnazija’s library has been around for a long time and goes all the way back to the year 1964. Over the years, the library has served many generations of students, and the most recent data from 2025 shows that it is currently used by 1,818 students. The library consists of 3 sections: the IB part, a study room and the MIOC part. It is also equipped with a wide range of books, computers and a seating area for reading or studying.  Additionally, the librarians are always a big help to the students and do their best to ensure a welcoming atmosphere.

As mentioned previously, the collection of books is vast and diverse, with as many as 10,041 books. In the collection, there are books with 29 different genres that the students can choose from. Recently, it has also added 50 new graphic novels, all in excellent condition and offering engaging stories.

Aside from providing a huge range of books, the library is also a great study space. It is generally used as a quiet retreat and is the perfect spot for studying when you are in need of a quiet and focused environment. Many students use the library to prepare for exams, work on projects, or simply enjoy a peaceful place to read. With its comfortable seating, well-organized sections, and helpful librarians, the MIOC library continues to be a vital resource for students.

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