Achieving a grade 7 in DP math is no small achievement, but Marta Verčič, a student in the second year of the Diploma Program at MIOC IB has done just that. In this interview, she shares her strategies, personal insight, and advice to help others excel in one of the program’s most challenging subjects.
Study Strategies
What study techniques worked best for you when preparing for assessments in DP Math?
“I would say that preparing for tests, quizzes, and other assessments throughout the year in DP Math requires a combination of really focusing in class and making sure you understand the material while the teacher goes over it, as well as solving a very large quantity of problems at home. Additionally, if you find anything to be unclear, it is important to go to your teacher and ask them to thoroughly explain everything once more.”
How did you approach topics that you initially struggled with?
“Before starting to solve any problems for a certain topic, I would first write out a detailed list with all of the subtopics I needed to know in order to solve them. Then, I would solve the hardest problems for each of the subtopics. When you solve a certain amount of mathematical problems, you will begin to notice the areas in which you are struggling. If I found that I was struggling with one, I would make sure to solve many more under the same subtopic. Lastly, don’t hesitate to turn to your teacher for help.”
Did you have a specific routine for revising past topics while keeping on top of new ones?
“In order to understand new material, you really have to know the old material, which in itself helps a lot. Those lists that I previously mentioned I always like to refer back to and make sure I am able to solve the most difficult problems under each topic, which just additionally helps me confirm that I know all of the previous material.”
What resources did you find most helpful (websites, textbooks, videos, …)?
“I would say that the main resources that you should focus on using are all of the worksheets that your teacher gives you (in the particular case of our class, our teacher gives us a lot), which are by far the best resource. Except for these, I love Revision Village, especially solving all of the problems that they have on your topic in order of difficulty, which are very similar to the ones we study.”
Did you rely on any tutoring or external help to understand certain topics?
“I didn’t, since I personally prefer studying alone.”
Time Management
How did you manage your time between math and other demanding DP subjects?
“I really enjoy math, so it is easier for me to dedicate time to studying math. I would say that you should intensely practice math around five days before your test, and spend a few hours each day concentrating on your topics, and by the time the exam comes around you will truly be ready. Also, make sure you are doing your homework each time it is given to you. I also like revising math topics that I find challenging at the end of each week so I am prepared for every class and every quiz.
I usually tend to postpone studying other subjects, by studying math, simply because I find it more enjoyable. Remember that math is one of those subjects that you can’t just learn in a day because it’s about practice, so you need to make sure that you’re not cramming it all into the night before the exam.”
What is your advice for handling the heavy workload and stress that comes with DP Math?
“As far as the heavy workload goes, I would say that any place where you fall behind will undergo a snowball effect, meaning that it will matter so much more in the future, so you really have to make sure you don’t have any gaps in your knowledge. Regarding the stress, make sure to have good time management and have a positive attitude even though the stress is quite inevitable. Also, make sure not to stress about any individual grade.”
What tips do you have for selecting a topic for the DP Math IA?
“The advice that I can give you at this point in time is to look at past papers and find topics that you like, and just get inspired by them. However, I think that having a more original approach is something that will definitely pay off later, as the examiners won’t be as “bored”. As you go throughout your week, keep the IA at the back of your mind and try to find something mathematical in everyday life. Having a “real life example”, as one of the grading criteria is personal engagement, really does help if it is something that you are interested in.”
What do you think made your IA stand out?
“So, there are three specific topics that get done the most often in math: finding the volume of something, finding a correlation, or modeling something. Which means that anything beyond that is going to stand out. I, for example, took a specific mathematical model, analyzed it and tried to apply it to a specific situation. I think that if you do anything advanced, it will stand out.”
Advice for Others
Is there anything you wish you had known when you started the course?
“The things I think are important to know are: This is a subject where your grade is not predetermined, you can have a grade 7 if you work hard enough. Of course, how much hard work that implies definitely isn’t the same for everyone. However, I don’t think that it is unrealistic for anyone to have a grade 7. I’ve seen people in my class, who usually have a grade 4, get motivated by a certain topic and put in a lot of work, ending up getting a grade 7. The biggest issue is that people go into a test believing that ‘Oh, I want to get a grade 5’, but if you aim for a grade 7 you are much more likely to do better, and maybe even achieve a grade 7. If you aim for a grade 5, you are definitely not going to achieve anything beyond a 5, and maybe not even a 5. So, basically: aim high and have a positive attitude. As far as expectations for the course go, expect that the math in the Diploma Program is similar to how math is done in the national program.”
Personal Insight
What is your favorite DP Math topic and why?
“My favorite DP Math topic is derivatives, which is quite an unpopular opinion. However, I like that it’s sort of like a puzzle – once you learn the rules, which there aren’t many of, you apply them to solve the puzzle. Also, derivatives almost never involve any type of word problems, which is a plus for me.”
Which DP Math topic would you say is the most difficult and why?
“Ahead of time, our teacher told us that the hardest topics are integrals and trigonometry. I haven’t done integrals yet, so I don’t know how difficult they are. We have covered trigonometry , and it is very difficult, especially trigonometric equations, which are very abstract. Regarding trigonometric equations, you either have to understand them really well, or well enough to apply the rules. It’s a topic that is very hard for us to understand, so you just have to accept the fact that you might not be able to fully understand it. It’s quite confusing. Unfortunately, I wasn’t present during the class in which they went over this topic and I think that is really not a good thing, so make sure to attend that class! If you do miss out, go to your teacher the very next class, and ask them to explain the entire topic to you in great detail. You might hesitate asking, but, trust me, it is much worse once you move on, and the teacher won’t be able to just go back and explain everything you don’t understand.”
And there we have it: Marta’s advice to achieving a grade 7 in DP Math SL, which highlights how important it is to be dedicated, have strategic preparation, and a positive approach to learning. From solving countless practice questions and mathematical problems to seeking help from your teacher when needed, Marta’s methods emphasize the consistent effort and hard work needed to make a significant difference in your performance. Her words serve as a reminder that no challenge is unattainable with the right approach, and that anyone can achieve success through hard work and commitment.
Although her advice is useful and these methods work for her, it is also important to note that the same may not work for everybody, and it is important to revise regularly along with trying different study methods to achieve the best scores.