A Guide to Writing the PP Report 

The MYP Year 5 students recently showcased their midterm presentations for the Personal Project, demonstrating their creativity and hard work. As the journey progresses toward the final stages, I thought it would be helpful to share some tips and guidance on the next milestone: The Personal Project report. This report will play a key role in determining your final grade, so it’sessential to take it seriously. Here are some tips to ensure your report is successful.   

First, using the feedback you received from your mentors and classmates, you should begin writing your first draft during the winter break and aim to complete it by the middle of January. This means you should also be working on your product throughout December and during the period stated previously to guarantee you are managing your time effectively.   

The Personal Project report is your opportunity to document your process, reflect on your growth, and display your achievement. Its assessment is based on three criteria: Criterion A (Planning),  Criterion B (Applying Skills), and Criterion C (Reflecting). Each criterion has some requirements:   


Criterion A: Planning  

In regards to Criterion A, your report should describe how you developed your project from the beginning. This is where you show your ability to plan methodically and thoughtfully. Include:  

Planning Process (Action Plan): Describe the tools and strategies you used for planning. Did you create timelines, use digital tools, or set regular milestones? Reflect on how these helped shape your project. Include the action plan you have made and, hopefully, followed since the beginning of the school year.   

Criterion B: Applying Skills   

This section highlights the skills you developed and applied throughout your project. Include:  

Criterion C: Reflecting 

In Criterion C, you need to evaluate your project’s outcomes and the impact of your learning. Include:  

Overall, you should:   

Using these tips and following the guide your mentors provided should help you write a successful report and achieve a 7. 

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